Solution for your puzzle
Button Possibilities for all squaresButton tip for a squareButton solution for a square.Button solution for the grid.Button verification of the grid.Button print the grid.Button play in normal mode.Button back to the puzzle.Button back to home.Button back to a square.Button blankgrid.Button delete canditates.Button display candidates.Button automatic mode.

Play and solve your grid by penciling in the candidates


This page allows you to solve your grid by penciling in the candidates.
For this you have two modes:
 • Manual mode allows you complete freedom to pencil in your candidates. It is for you to enter and delete them at your convenience.
 • Automatic mode updates all the candidates in relation to the number you enter or delete from a square.
You can switch from one mode to another by clicking on the button manual/automatic.


 • Large squares, white background, a figure in blue, represent the entire puzzle. These squares cannot be changed.
 • Large squares, white background, a figure in black, represent the solution in progress. These squares can be changed.
 • Small squares, white background, red numbers represent all the possibilities, called "candidates". These squares can be changed.


 • Entering a solution in a big square:
    Double click in the small square relating to the number you wish to enter.
 • Deleting the solution to a big square:
    Double click in this square.
 • Entering or deleting a candidate:
    Do a simple click in the square of this candidate.

Entering on a tablet or mobile:

 • Enter a solution in a big box:
    Make a double pressure in the small cell corresponding to the figure you want to enter.
 • Cancel or delete the solution of a big box:
    Double tap in this box.
 • Enter or delete a candidate:
    Make a simple pressure in the cell of this candidate.


First make the program display all the candidates. Then explore the possibilities for your self. If you have a doubt, click on the buttons :
 • The (Possibilities for all squares) button displays all the candidates for all the squares in the grid.
 • The (Check / resolvability) button checks the consistency and soundness of the grid.

Web browser:

We recommend Google Chrome which is easy to use and displays with impressive speed advice and various solutions sent by the server.